It’s the big Christmas Party for Riverside Fishing Club Members.
Christmas Party will be on December 13, 2018 @ 6:45 PM. If you have a family membership please bring your family to the Christmas Party. If you have a single membership you can bring your wife or significant other (not both). We are passing out a sign up sheet if you are attending the Christmas party. Please let us know if you are bringing anyone to the Christmas Party. This list will be passed around at our October and November meeting. Please fill out if you will be attending so we can make sure we have enough food for all. It is the same menu we had last year from Rose’s Catering. So far we have over 70 people sign up for our Famous Christmas Party.
If you have 8 or more in your group we will reserve a table for your group. Please let me know by December 7 to guarantee your group a table. Tony (Our Club President) or Sue Lee (Our Club Treasurer) will need a list of all names sitting at your table.
Elections of Officers will be held at our November 8th meeting. Anyone who would like to run for office for 2019, please let us know. Currently, we do not have Outside Activities Director. Will you fill the vacancy? You can run for any position, just put your name in the hat. If you have any new ideas please let us know.
You do not have to be an elected officer to help your fishing club. Please just come forward and let us know that you want to help. Help is always needed.****Fish Fish Award: Deadline is November 30th.